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Notice on Further Strengthening the Control of Hazardous Chemical Vehicles Entering the Park


Relevant departments and units:


According to the changes in the epidemic prevention and control situation and the adjustment of higher-level policies, combined with the actual situation of the port area, the requirements for the management and control of hazardous chemical vehicles entering the park are now specified as follows:

1. All vehicles entering the park must complete the declaration through the Hazardous Chemical Vehicle Coordination System.

2. The health code of Jiaxing City is a green code, and the itinerary code does not contain a star, and a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate must be held.

3. The health code of Jiaxing City is a green code, and the itinerary code has a star, and a 24-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate is required.

4. All vehicles with peace code.

5. Persons with yellow and red health codes in Jiaxing are not allowed to enter the park.



Jiaxing Port District Chemical New Material Park Management Office

May 16, 2022